The scariest thing about this film....
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... is that filmmakers keep thinking that if they cast 30+ year olds to play 20 year olds no one will notice.

This film isn't scary at all, just lots of scenes of people yelling at each other. It's 30 year old actors playing 20 year old college kids who act like they're 10 year old children imitating toddlers.

And the characters are written to be dumb as well. An example is that their car breaks down in the middle of a snowy forest, and they sit in it until it's dark before 2 of them decide to go look for help. Makes sense doesn't it? While they're gone the rest sit in the car running the heater until the battery goes flat and then light a small candle to keep them warm while constantly complaining about how cold it is. Not once does anyone suggest huddling together for body warmth, or using some of the textbooks inside the vehicle as kindling to try and get a fire started outside, a fire that could not only keep them warm but also attract any would be rescuers to their location. Nope, instead they just yell, fight and complain. Riveting stuff. They were so dumb and unlikable that it made me look forward to seeing them get killed off one by one, but surprise surprise the kills ended up being a disappointment that lacked any kind of creativity or originality.

Zero tension, dumb and unlikable characters, no scares, boring kills, it's a failed attempt at making an even slightly engaging horror flick.
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