Was My Favorite Show
8 August 2020
I used to love the hard hitting political satire, had hitting non-censored questions and opinion panelists of this show. Bill had right, left and in between to give their voices - it was a great program. Wouldn't miss it for the world every Friday night. However in the last few years it has gone from "Real Time" to "I hate Fatties!!!"

It's not just about the pandemic and his limitations to his programming 'cause Trevor Noah and John Oliver are doing more than fine with their programming.

Yeah we get it. Now everything HAS to be tied to people being fat. Bill has a political panelist on, he cuts in something about people being fat/obese. He's tumbled down in to "Joan Rivers-land" (and older folks know what I am talking about when Joan's wit took a back seat to her making fat jokes about Elizabeth Taylor for sometime before her audience turned on her). Well, I've turned cause his show isn't politically incorrect anymore, it's down right "Let me tell you about how disgusting fat people are every chance I can squeeze it in."

So, if you're into that kind of thing, then please keep tuning in. If he ever gets back to talking politics with both sides (and sides of others too). Let me know. I am sure by that time, the once HBO darling will be cancelled.
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