A Wife's Nightmare (2014 TV Movie)
Wait, what??
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a Thursday I think and there was nothing on. So, I go to Prime to find something to watch that would hold my attention. I saw Jennifer Beals (or Bette Porter - where my L Word fans at?!) and I thought "Ohhh, this might be good." I mean, I love Jennifer Beals and the description seemed to pull me in. So I pushed play.

And this is when it started.

It...was...bad. Like 'what did I get myself into' bad. But I had to watch it until the end because I had already wasted an hour of my life and if I would have stopped I would have laid awake wondering who the daughter really was. So I kept watching and again, it...was...bad.

How bad you ask?

Acting: cringeworthy and embarrassing. The son? Sheesh. It was like watching a bad afterschool movie about the dangers of being mean to your mom.

Script: it would have been better as a comedy, because the dialogue was hilarious. The situations were ridiculous and the character chemistry was non-existent.

Plot: what the...? Ok, so the daughter is really not the daughter but she pretends to be because she is having an affair with the creepy, insensitive, lazy husband who has no job and can't even finish his album? Said creepy husband has an affair with this young, idiotic 19 year old while his oblivious wife is hospitalized for a mental breakdown and he thinks the best thing to do is to move his mistress into the house and pretend he's her dad?

Wait, what?

How did this dirtbag think he would have been able to keep up this charade? Like people know you Genius - are supposed to see you with your 'daughter' one week and then see you wifing her up the next? What about your son? How were you going to tell him? And how were you going to leave your wife? I mean, she's literally taking care of you, so you and the 19 year old would have been living in her car, eventually.

The wife catches on but he convinced her she's crazy, which is probably the only thing this movie got right because I felt crazy watching this pile of cow dung.
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