Dating Amber (2020)
A bitter sweet film about coming out in 1990s Ireland.
31 July 2020
In a small town in early 1990s Ireland, two gay teenage school kids are bullied at school and try to hide their sexuality by pretending to date each other as boyfriend/girlfriend.

Nicely acted and written teen drama about the struggles of not only coming out in the less accepting early 1990s, but also with the weight of Catholicism bearing down on them. The film goes beyond merely having a period soundtrack of Britpop to inform us of the period, but is well presented in its clothes, attitudes and behviours, a Gaelic Grange Hill if you like. There is also a good flavour of Ireland just prior to the Celtic Tiger boom, but it's real message, presented as both comedy and drama is one of coming out and the struggles for teenagers.
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