Black Magic (1949)
The real story of a famous magician, Cagliostro, and a twisted conspiracy to overthrow Queen Marie Antoniette of France
28 July 2020
The mesmerit 18th century hypnotist magician Cagliostro, born Joseph Balsamo, is an enthusiast, all-round scoundrel, thunderous conjuror in his own right who uses his powers for vengeance against Louis XV's court . Dealing with his tempestous life and career and his real attempt to gain influence, clout, fame and fortune in Italy and France by using his weird and sinister talents. This is the tumultuous story of his imagination and fair-play for magic, the power of supertition and hypnosis. It begins when being a child he sees how his parents were wrongfully hanged and he himself mistreated, tortured by the orders of Viscount Montagne. He turns an embittered carnival charlatan who attracts the attention of Doctor Meisner, a pioneer of rare, dark sciences, the latter teaches him the art of hypnosis. Then Cagliostro seeks fame, fortune and revenge too, and eventually to find it , thanks to his skills in showmanship, deceiving and bizarre illusion . Conquering a lot of success across Europe by mixing mysticism with hypnotism and spectacle. Later on, the magician becomes involved in a complex plot to supply a double for Marie Antoniette : Nancy Guild in a dual role as Lorenza and as a woman who resembles the Queen . As he is called to cure a pretty girl who bears remarkable resemblance to future queen, wife of the heir of the throne of France Louis XVI , that's why they want to seize the power by discrediting her. As Marie Antoniette being accussed for corruption caused for the queen's collar issue , that was the reason for her subsequent beheading by guillotine during French Revolution . Along the way, Cagliostro is followed by his faithfully gypsy friend named Gitano : Akim Tamiroff and by Zoraida : Valentina Cortese, both of whom help him to getaway from his fateful misfortunes . The greatest cavalcade of intrigue, spectacle, adventure and excitement you'll ever see on the screen. It will hold you in its spell !

Handsome and interesting film providing historical remarks as well as intense drama, thrills, emotion and a spectacular final roof-top duel . The picture certainly has its own appropriate atmosphere and florid ambient, resulting to be an acceptable historic drama, but packing some flaws and gaps . Here Welles revels in the character of notorious eighteenth century Count Cagliostro, however, overacting encouraged by an over-riped personage and clambers all over and just about he spits out the pieces as well . Welles must have been greatly attracted to this role, in fact Orson was expert on playing strange, mysterious and better than life characters such as in Citizen Kane, Mr Arkadin, Moby Dick, Macbeth, Man for all seasons, The Third Man, Lady from Shanghai, King Saul, The stranger. The star co-directed uncredited this nice movie, though at times it shakes down to a rather amatheurish effort. He is well accompanied by the beautiful Nancy Guild who performed too few movies in spite of her extreme beauty , as well as an effective, fine support cast, such as : Margot Grahame as Madame Du Barry who was Louis XV's lover, Frank Latimore as Gilbert, the brave captain of king's guard, Akim Tamiroff, Valentina Cortese and Raymond Burr and Berry Kroger as Alexandre Dumas father and son. It contains atmospheric and adequate cinematography in black and white by Ubaldo Arata and Brizzi, being shot in Italy . As well as evocative musical score by Paul Sawtell. The motion picture was well directed by Gregory Ratooff and Orson Welles without credit . Rating 6/10. Decent and notable drama.
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