WrestleMania 21 (2005 TV Special)
WrestleMania Goes Hollywood with a Solid Show!!!
16 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WrestleMania 21 Thoughts

WrestleMania 21 was the 21st annual WrestleMania taking place on April 3, 2005 at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The WWE used the Hollywood as a traditional tagline with wrestlers having spoof roles in various movies pre-2005. This event was known to be beginning of an era where two young stars (who are now known today are legends) both starting their first World Championship reigns respectively after headlining the Main Events. This event also was notable for being the debut of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match which would be a special match that the WWE would continue to use this day to build future stars. Other facts about this event was that it was the first WrestleMania where Stone Cold or the Rock would not wrestle, first WrestleMania where Undertaker's streak being broken was an important part in feuds, and sadly the last WrestleMania to feature Eddie Guerrero who past away in November of this exact same year.

The Good - Outstanding matches throughout the show. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals was a all time great getting five star ratings by numerous fans and critics including myself. Both stars put up a high quality match that blew the roof off the building. The buildup was perfect for a dream matchup. The Money in the Bank Ladder Match was astonishing as in my opinion it might be the best Money in the Bank Ladder Match today. I feel it rivals WM 23s as the best of all time from my opinions. Edge winning finally was something people felt like he needed after his hard work and coming from an injury a year ago. Shelton Benjamin however stole the match spotlight as he was the best performer in the match. Randy Orton vs. Undertaker was an awesome thriller as Orton's legend killer gimmick was rising. The RKO from Orton that was reversed from a Chokeslam was the highlight of the match. The opening was good too (Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero). I also like to give credit to the segment of Rowdy Piper and JBL/Triple backstage as they were both funny.

The Meh - While Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio was good, I think Rey Mysterio focusing on his mask kinda affected the match a little. It still was good. Triple H vs. Batista sadly was a bit of a disappointment but seeing Batista beat his mentor for the Gold was a special moment in Batista's career.

The Bad - John Cena vs. JBL was boring and stale. With such good build up, the match didn't even feel special. It just felt like a Random title match. Can't blame the crowd for being dead. Both main events at the end of the show were disappointing conclusions overall. And the Sumo match was a stupid idea that I hope I never see again.

Overall - It hurts how this could have been a PERFECT WRESTLEMANIA as everything up to Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels was at least good with the worst Match actually being decent which was the women's match. Unfortunately the Sumo and the bland main events of Raw and SD decreased a lot. Still an overall solid show. With 3 spectacular matches and a good match opening the event.

Score - 8 out of 10: Really Really Good

0 = Terrible: 1 = Bad/Lackluster: 2 = Decent: 3 = Good: 4 = Awesome: 5 = One of the best of all time:

1. Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio - 3.5/5

2. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Christan vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Edge vs. Kane: Money in the Bank (Ladder Match) - 4.5/5

3. Randy Orton vs. Undertaker (Legend vs. Legend Killer) - 4/5

4. Trish Stratus vs. Christy Hemme: Women's Championship - 2/5

5. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Micheals - 5/5

6. Akebono vs. Big Show (Sumo Match) - 0/5

7. John Cena vs. John Bradshaw Layfield: WWE Championship - 1/5

8. Triple H vs. Batista: World Heavyweight Championship - 2.5/5

Best Match - Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

Worst Match - Big Show vs. Akebono

Most Memorable Moment - Shelton Benjamin clothesline to Chris Jericho from the ladder.

Top 5 Performers

1. Shawn Michaels

2. Kurt Angle

3. Shelton Benjamin

4. Undertaker

5. Randy Orton.
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