Made This Account Just to Write How Abhorrent This Is
6 July 2020
After watching other documentaries/ depictions of the Royal Family, I was specifically interested in watching detailed accounts about Diana's time as a royal.

I'm probably echoing these other reviews at this point, but this "documentary" and its portrayal of the late Diana was deplorable.

They insulted her left and right. Calling her uneducated, fame hungry, and ultimately saying MORE THAN ONCE that her untimely death was a "tragic solution" to the royal's problems. They made it seem like all the wonderful things she did were for show, and made it seem like the worst thing in the world that she had political aspirations post-split from Charles. I mean, God forbid a woman do something more with her life than to remain married to a man and sit idly by as he partakes in an open affair with a woman herself married to someone else.

Was she perfect? Of course not! She was a human being. And we all make mistakes. But she was such a blessing to the world, and deserves so much better than this disgustingly disrespectful defamation of character.

Shame on everyone that had anything to do with the making of this garbage. At this point, I'd give a dirty tampon a more favorable review.
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