Longmire: Hector Lives (2015)
Season 4, Episode 8
Who was it?
3 July 2020
Best line in the series gets credited to Ruby. Ruby tells Walt he missed a call, Vic asks Ruby who it was. Ruby looks at Vic and says nothing. Vic asks again, this time more forceful, and then Ruby gives my favorite line on the show. "none of your business". Priceless. Someone finally stood up to this bully. Yes, as you can tell I don't like the character Vic. She's pushy, demanding, self centered, and on top of that she's a hypocrite. Always demanding people answer her, yet turns into a type 1 narcissist when someone asks her to explain. Although I never liked this disgusting character, she hit new lows with her handling of Branch. Not only didn't she believe him, she openly mocked him to his face and to everyone who would listen. As we all know, he was right, and she was wrong. Again. Why? Because Vic is never right about anything. And after hearing Branch killed himself she repeatedly gave Walt an attitude for his desire to investigate Branch's death. Actually telling him on 3 separate occasions that Walt was wrong because Branch killed himself. Wrong again Vic. And then after all this comes out, she shows no remorse or compassion for what Branch went through. Never understanding that it was her constant dismissal of Branch that forced him go it alone. Did Branch do things by the book? No. But being shot and having one of your fellow co workers mock you just might make you tackle the investigation a little differently. Anyway, I love the rest of the show, always have. I'm thinking of reading the books to see if her vile character is the same. Or maybe it just got lost from the pages to the screen. I don't see how anyone can route for her. Just watch one episode, any episode. There will be at least one scene of her on her high horse demeaning someone, and one scene of her questioning orders given to her. Why? Cause Vic knows best. Ick, I hate her..
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