Review of Tomcat

Tomcat (2016)
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this last night and after it was over I felt manipulated. For the first half of "Tomcat," the director goes to great lengths to show how intimate Stefan and Andreas are, and their relationship is portrayed as almost an ideal one. After the death of the cat (which I'm assuming was killed by Stefan, even though I re-watched the shot three times and couldn't see anything that showed that) the characters seemed to take on completely different personalities. There was absolutely no interaction between the two men to try and understand why it happened or explore each others' feelings about the incident; instead, the film only consists mostly of days going by with Andreas avoiding Stefan, beating up on him, or giving him hateful looks. It's very unlikely that two people in a relationship as close as theirs would continue to avoid any kind of discussion to try and come to terms with what happened or understand each other after something this traumatic occurred. The film may make a point about the "darkness" in each of us, but doesn't follow up with it very realistically.
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