Review of The Risk

The Risk (1960)
Worth watching for Thorley Walters but don't expect a masterpiece
25 June 2020
This little movie shows it origins as a filler for the Boulting Brothers who found themselves with 17 days of studio time on their hands (thanks Kevinolzak's earlier review for that snippet!). I watched it for the cast. Spike Milligan in a very strange role as the janitor/security man and Sam Kydd in a less unusual role as a police/MI5 operative. Think kitchen sink drama meets black and white John Le Carre adaptations meets scientific dilemma. Thorley Walters is the stand-out here as the slightly eccentric MI5 investigator piecing the puzzle together. Oh, and the movie also helps explain why there are fewer women than men in the STEM scientific fields. A period piece but worth an hour and a half of your time. To prepare for it, get in a pot of tea or a couple of bottles of warm and weak beer, some cigarettes or a pipe, and make sure to you wear a cardigan and/or a tweed jacket. Lots of fun if watched in the correct way!
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