The Mighty Jungle (2008– )
Boring and at times frustrating
15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the day when I was a little kid, this show was on Netflix and I can remember only watching the same 10 or so episodes. Why? Because all the other episodes were either boring or annoying (in some cases both). Firstly, the morals are mixed. While some of the morals are good, such as finding a way to include everyone, having too much of good thing etc. And those morals are not shoved down the viewers throat, which is something I can give this show. But others are really weird. In one episode, there was this stinky flower and the animals decided to wear clothes pins on their noses. Another episode said that if you don't want to share something with someone who could potentially lose it, you're not nice. Anyway, let's get to the characters. Babu is a pretty good character, he rarely ever gets scares and seems to know how to have fun, but he can be a bit of a jerk to Bruce. In one episode, Babu forced another character named Bruce to climb up a beanstalk that could have a giant at the top and was annoyed at Bruce (his best friend) for being scared. The giant ended up being a nice giant, but even still it's wrong to force people to do things that could be dangerous. But overall he's still pretty good. Bruce constantly wears a safety helmet for everything and he is pretty kind and considerate. He gets scared a lot and while it can be a little annoying, it's not taken to the extreme and he usually learns to not so scared all the time. Then there are some minor characters such as bees, giraffes, monkeys, tigers, etc. They don't have much personality, but they are just minor characters so it's fine. However, Rhonda is easily the worst character. She is very bossy and just straight up a jerk to Babu and Bruce. In one episode, it was her birthday and she forced Babu and Bruce to do everything she wanted, including putting them in dresses and the lesson was to be polite to the birthday kid, not don't get too bossy even when it's your birthday. What's worst is that a dinosaur showed up out of nowhere and she treated him like an angel. She treats a guy she has never met before better than her friends. In another episode, when they were telling the story of Cinderella, she forced Bruce to be Cinderella (or Cindergorrila in this case). As well as her getting all mad when Bruce said that he's a gorilla not Cinderella. Then there are plenty of episodes where she just becomes a very bland and stereotypical girl character. She wants everyone to play dress up, pick flowers, and goes on and on about how everyone must wear pink to a tea party. I have nothing against a character enjoying these things, but that should not be their entire character. Sadly, she's like that in a lot episodes where she is the main focus. The show is also poorly written at times. For example: In one episode, Babu and Bruce found a clubhouse and Babu said he was the boss because he got there first. Rhonda shows up and says that they will have tea parties and makeovers. Babu tells her that he's the boss so there will be no tea parties. Then one of the kids (who are the narrators in this show) randomly states that Rhonda is the boss and she kicks them out of their own clubhouse. And no, Rhonda is not treated as the bad guy. This doesn't make sense! Last I checked, someone taking over something that belonged to someone else is wrong. Another example is Jungle Picnic. In this episode the animals spend HALF THE EPISODE deciding what to do (Go to the playground, collect rocks for Bruce's rock collection or go on a picnic) Firstly, the episode is called Jungle PICNIC so the episode should be about the characters having a picnic. Secondly, you don't spend half of the episode deciding where someone wants to go! Anyway, after finally deciding to go on a picnic they spend more time making up a list of things to take. Even when I was little this episode bored me. Most of the other episodes have little to nothing happening as well and if there is something happening, it's Rhonda treating her friends poorly. But with all that being said, there are a few episodes that are at least decent, such as Mighty Jungle Campout where they actually take advantage of the 11 minutes and go on a little adventure. It's nothing ground-breaking but at least the writers had fun with it. But regardless, I can't really recommend this show to anyone, especially not the ones where Rhonda is the main focus. I'm gonna be honest, if Rhonda wasn't such a jerk or one-dimensional, I might have given this show a better rating (perhaps a 6/10), as without her, the show is actually alright.
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