Off the Rails (2017)
28 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nicole Marie Halliwell Barrow has many names and apparently many male admirers. After a horrific train crash, Nicole has recovered her health, but suffers from amnesia. Reuniting with her husband Mark, Nicole tries to piece together her life, but falls deeper and deeper into the vortex of confusion and despair.

The term "catfished" is used in the film to describe how Nicole was set up online with a string of strange admirers. Did she hook up with all of these men in the past? Or, is she being set up in some dangerous game?

The best scene in the film was a stunning moment on a train where Nicole is confronted by Jillian Borsic, the former girlfriend of the dashing, romantic Luc Cormier. It slowly dawns on Nicole that she and Luc were having an affair at a time when she and Mark were taking a "break." But it is not clear what happened to Luc. When Nicole and Jillian debord the train, Jillian suddenly takes out a gun a shoots herself. To put it mildly, that plot has thickened!!!

The actress playing Nicole did a terrific job of creating a believable sense of the amnesia. Her character was a cartographer, and one of the film's reference points is the "terra incognita" into which she is moving literally and metaphorically. One character who does not help Nicole get her bearings is her psychiatrist Dr. Teres, a diabolical monster who was a "friend" of Mark's at Harvard.

Dr. Teres contributes mightily to the pickle in which her patient finds herself. Mark's formidable parents, Maggie and Dickson, appear to have their son on a tight leash, leading to Mark's out-of-control behavior. The screenplay included an interesting mythological tale in the story of Apollo and Coronis that gives clues about the main theme of jealousy and revenge. It will be up to Nicole herself to avoid getting catfished and remain locked forever in terra incognita.
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