Ironically Charming for a Low Budget Film
22 May 2020
I agree with some of the other reviews that I went into this one with super low expectations. In the end it actually did have a little substance. There were humorous parts and some sexy scenes that did help make the whole romance seem real and not forced. I definitely agree that the Jewish humor is a little much. I think the kind of charming part of this movie is it seems like they just booked a cruise and filmed rogue. It was a little awkward at first but I kind of appreciated that it did make it feel a bit more organic. It does definitely look like it was shot on a iPhone 6s, but it definitely works with the whole low-budget charm this has. The takeaway for me was that I always wasted so much time chasing unavailable and confused guys and I think the movie does a good job of reminding us gay boys to seek out guys who will 100% show up for us and the movie didn't preach it to me like many other gay movies do.
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