Review of Solo

Solo (IV) (2013)
A nasty film
20 May 2020
There are far too many exploitative ' Gay ' films out there and this is one of them. No spoilers but the end is sickening and what is even more sickening is that directors are making this stuff; heterosexual or homosexual directors I have had enough of them. This film exploits the difference between what we say and what we do. Who is the victim and who is the destroyer? I think there is enough violence towards LGBT people as it is without using this degraded trope as ' entertainment '. There is no political aspect to this film as in ' Siberia and Him ' where violence exists, but in such a way that you understand the terrible reasons for it. This film exploits by showing fairly strong sexuality and so gratifying viewers and then showing how dangerous it is to go with anyone. I do not expect rose-tinted views of LGBT life but I do expect directors and actors to question if a film can cause psychological harm. I believe this film does. Heterosexual films do this constantly, but that is no excuse for exploitative violence towards an already persecuted group of people in many countries of the world. Avoid this film, especially those who are already afraid of violence and torture.
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