Jonathan Creek: The House of Monkeys (1997)
Season 1, Episode 5
An iconic episode.
10 May 2020
Jonathan is called in to investigate the strange case, a man who lives with his family and a family of monkeys dies bizarrely in a locked room.

I wouldn't say it's my favourite mystery, others are much better, but it's the utter absurdity and eccentricity of it and the characters that make this such an appealing finale to the first series. We've had locked room mysteries before, but none like this. The monkeys roaming around the house freely, getting in on the case make it such a quirky episode.

Great scenes between Jonathan and Maddy, one of the best for the duo, in the will they or won't they scenario, they share some real laughs.

The conclusion is straight our of leftfield, but somehow seems unimportance in the story overall. Annette Crosbie is superb, Selina Cadell is great also.

An oddly engaging episode. 8/10.
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