S1E6 Discussion
9 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
S1E6 Lonely Among Us

Some interesting character development in this episode. I'm looking forward to these more and more every day.

Worf showed himself to be eager to learn when he was shadowing Geordi. Seems like he's ambitious. He's currently a Junior Lieutenant. We shall watch his career with great interest.

We discovered that the Enterprise crew does not eat meat! I suppose that makes sense. Where would they keep the animals? Also on the topic of food, it was interesting to hear discussion about accommodating dietary requirements for the aliens that are visiting your ship.

When the ship 'malfunctioned', Data says it's a near impossible chance of this happening (from normal wear and tear). Good to know how good Star Fleet engineering is. Systems just do not fail on their own.

As I side note I really liked the design of the Anticans. Haven't seen them before.

The discussion about private eyes and detective work was fun. Each episode of Star Trek is a mystery! That's part of why we all tune in. Also Detective Data is my favorite Data so far.

I can't believe they killed off Singh in Engineering! Farewell, our plot necessary casualty. We knew you but for a minute.

When Picard was controlled by the alien force, he said: "The search for knowledge is always our primary mission". Based on last episode where he decided to get home rather than explore, that was definitely a clue that he wasn't himself.
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