Genuine Napolitan comic movie on heretic San Genaro's robbery!!
6 April 2020
Perhaps an unknown fact from occidental people is about the whole Italy territory is split in two completely different kind of people, the north rich and advanced and south Italy, where the real people be proud to doesn't make part of the great Italy, Naples should be the south's capital, just an introduction, when arrives at Naples an American gang leaded by Jack (Harry Guardino) and his gorgeous girlfriend Maggie (Senta Berger) willing to do a dared robbery at San Genaro's treasure, they asking for a famous Mob's leader Don Vicenzo (The Funny Totó) sadly he was in jail almost retired, then he suggest your inheritor Dudu (Nino Manfred) as Naple's criminal underworld, when they introduces each other, the American gang didn't tell the target of the robbery, however later they have to talk about of San Genaro's treasure, Dudu a hard passionate of this Saint denies such heresy, should be with his own permission only, then he goes to the church to asking for Saint Genaro itself his concordance, already promising to him all gathered money will be for Naples's poor people, this an ingenious comic picture exploring the Italian faith, almost a hundred colorful characters scattered along the movie, in every single scene, specially Totó and Mario Adorf, the final sequence goes beyond of the human insanity!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8
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