Mind Games (1989)
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
MVD is resurrecting a movie mom and pop video store lovers will recall seeing on the shelf but not seen since. Perhaps it popped up on cable now and then but not often. MIND GAMES was one of those films made on a low budget with stars that were either sliding off the grid or on their way up. It features actors in the former category.

Rita and Dana Lund (Shawn Weatherly and Edward Albert) have reached a rough point in their marriage. While Dana is going back to school part time to get a better career for himself, Rita feels that he has stifled her in their marriage, wanting her to remain home and be a housewife instead of pursuing her own career as a designer. In an effort to sort things out the couple hit the road for a planned vacation in an RV with their young son Kevin (Matt Norero).

At one stop Kevin comes across a young man in the woods backpacking, playing a flute. They become friends and he invites him back to meet his folks and stay for lunch. It isn't long before Kevin is enamored with Eric (Maxwell Caulfield) and his father becomes friendly as well. The next day the family sees him walking along and invites him to ride with them to the point he plans on getting off, an invitation Kevin and Dana are happy with but not Rita.

As their journey continues they learn that Eric is a college student studying psychology. What they don't realize is that for him the family is nothing more than a project, an attempt to push various buttons to see what they do and then record it in the notebook he carries with him. Those buttons include having Kevin accompany him when he breaks into a house, having Kevin share a sleeping bag with him and seducing Rita, almost convincing her to help him kill Dana so she can move on with her life.

All of this will eventually come to a head as well as the problems between husband and wife. The family will never come out the same as when Eric became their reluctant passenger. The question is who will and who will not survive.

By the time this film was made in 1989 both Albert and Caulfield had enjoyed some success in film and television but their glory days were behind them. It didn't matter that both were capable actors and went on to numerous other appearances, their chance at stardom had passed both by, leaving them little but name recognition. That's sad because honestly both were solid actors and did well in the parts they played. Weatherly had a short career perhaps highlighted by starring in 18 episodes of BAYWATCH. Norero? Just two more credits after this film.

The story is solid here and slowly unfolds. It's obvious from the start that Eric as a drifting hitchhiker will have some nefarious plan going on but what it is isn't revealed from the start. His slow manipulation of each member of the family is what makes the movie work. At the same time Weatherly's character is perhaps the least sympathetic of them all, portrayed as a shrew of a wife complaining silently, chain smoking and blaming everyone but herself for her unhappiness. It all works together for a solid mystery that entertains.

Part of MVD's Rewind Collection the film comes with some interesting extras on hand. They include "The Making of Mind Games a 108 minute retrospective of the making of the film with interviews of the cast and crew, "Bob Yari: Portrait of a Producer" a retrospective of the film's producer/director, the original theatrical trailer, a reversible sleeve with alternate artwork and a collectible mini-poster.
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