Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Game (1991)
Season 5, Episode 6
The Return of the Younger Crusher
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In "The Game" Wesley Crusher returns on a visit to the Enterprise to discover that the crew has begun playing a game with addictive qualities that maybe affecting how they run the ship and what their future plans might be. With the help of Ensign Lefler (Ashley Judd), Wesley must stop the spread of this addictive game before it's too late.

When Wes popped back onboard the ship I let out an audible groan but this one actually turned out to be decent. Maybe Wheaton is a better actor with more confidence, maybe it's the fact that the Wes character isn't being shoved down our throats on a constant basis, or maybe someone finally decided to write a decent script for the boy, but this is actually a fairly good Wesley Crusher episode, something I thought I'd never say. The fact that the superior thespian Ashley Judd is along for the ride doesn't hurt the quality either. A good mystery with some horrible elements, a solid entry into Season 5.
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