More Questions than Answers
22 February 2020
I am always intrigued by films like this.

When I went to it, a site called: "All about Funances and Duct Systems" came up (?). Is Anthony D. P. Mann a Furnace Specialist by DAY and an Actor/Songwriter/Screenplay Author by Night?

The opening credits states: "featuring the talents of (Anthony D. P. Mann et al). Presumptuous, don't you think? Shouldn't you let US watch it and decide if those people have "talent"?

The Opening Credit also states " Devon Murray-Powell, as The Cratchit Family". ALL of them? That must have been exhausting!

Where did the money come from? Who is (WAS?) the expected audience? Who is Colin Baker?

Brent Holland wrote the Band Tracks. They were really good...a lot better than the pitchy singing that they accompanied. Why aren't they mentioned in the closing credits?

Oh, no hard feelings, but the film is a piece of CRAP!! It is badly "mic"ed, making the dialogue impossible to hear. There is no arc. I am not sure WHY Ebenezer Scrooge decided to change his ways from watching this film.

BUT, Just like Ed Wood, Anthony D. P. Mann MADE a movie and got it released somehow. I got my copy from a public library in the suburbs of Chicago so, I suppose it is a "real film".

Maybe Anthony D. P. Mann knows Michael Bloomberg.

I watched this film, so you don't have to! Spare yourself the 67 minutes. Clean out your closet instead.
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