The Sexpert (1972)
Somewhat nasty sex comedy
16 February 2020
I was a mere toddler when this movie was released so I have a hard time really putting this movie into context. My take is that the film was geared toward an older crowd who wanted to watch a dirty movie. The production standards are decent and the girls are all pretty good looking, but the humor (attempts at humor?) seem to be that of a an older generation, like this movie was made to be watched by some middle-aged guy and not someone in their 20's or 30's. That's just my opinion and I could be wrong. It's an OK film and a couple of the sex scenes kind of bump it out of softcore territory and into just shy of x-rated, but maybe not quite, a deviation from the corny approach the rest of the film seems to take, making it a little odd in that regard. There is one scene entitled "The Happy Hooker" where the girl is the spitting image of Mrs. Roper from "Three's Company", only younger, so, if you're a guy with a Mrs. Roper fetish, track down a copy of "The Sexpert"--it's as close as you're gonna get to a naked Mrs. Roper.
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