The Witnesses (2020)
When Satan gets his hands caught in the cookie jar
11 February 2020
He immediately protests. It is clear that each of his followers scream and cry "LIAR" when documentaries like this one become available to the public. I am not a god following person, but I do know the story. I experienced the same story. I was a member from 7 months old until 18 and 11 months old. For two decades now I have been at this fight, trying to get the Governing Body to change their policy. Why? Because childhoods need to be fought for. I do not wish for another child to go through what I and many others went through. Abuse can never be stopped, however the way the Governing body handled it, is what I want to see changing.

Hold your hands up, admit your mistake, do the christian thing and apologise to all of us survivors and change your policy to, 'Elders should phone the police when an allegation of child abuse is heard' I can't make it anymore straightforward than that.

This documentary, like the several before this one, is 100% factual. The insular way this organisation operates is the first time however that it has really been reported. WT has members convinced, that this out here is Satan's world. That includes the police, the media, everyone even you reading this who have not ever been a JW are part of Satan's world according to them. Even if you are a practising christian of another organisation or religion. They believe that only they are right, that only their clique is the one true clean organisation driven by god. It does not look very clean from my experience and from where I am sitting. It's rotten on the inside and it goes right to the top. I give one name. Pat Garza and her alleged abuser Ted Jaracz. He died before she could get justice. How deep the cover up goes does not become apparent until you research that.

Governments need to be looking into this organisation now and stopping them from carrying on in such a manner. I hear the JW's screaming they did not cover it up. To be silent is to consent and seeing as a child cannot consent, the adults involved are complicit in the act because they knew about it and did not phone the police. It smacks of a cover up to me. Time to change for the greater good.

#SaySorry Change your policy.
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