Review of Human Is

Electric Dreams: Human Is (2017)
Season 1, Episode 6
Mixed Feelings
12 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what to say about this? Both leads, Cranston and Davis are very good in this. They have a good chemistry together, it works good. I also like the sets even though there is a problem with them. Probably due to budgetary reasons ED has been a little cheap on the sets. It all has a little grimier, more ramshackle look than Black Mirror. It is fine for some episodes but for this one it is problematic since it is set in 2520. Even though Earth might be devastated by some apocalyptic event or whatever but it just does not look like 500 years in the future. Also people talk exactly like we do today. It all does not fit together very well. In addition to that the whole setting in underdeveloped. There are some plotholes and they could have dived into some other aspects of the story and not just focus on the "Is he an alien or not"- schtick, which did not really work as a twist. Furthermore Liam Cunningham is way underused. He should have gotten more stuff to do!
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