Very much a first attempt
6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Look, it tries hard. But it just never achieves liftoff; everything ultimately fails :-(

This movie is trying to be another Manhattan or LA Story, a love letter to a city. It's a cute idea, but execution is amateur.

Most of the actors are amateurs and boy, does it show. I'm not an acting snob -- I'm happy with the performances of Kate Upton or Jean Claude van Damme in the right material -- so when I say acting is bad, I'm talking porno "I am so sorry but I do not have enough money to pay for this pizza" level clumsy acting.

Then the city is not an active enough character in the movie, even though that is the starting premise. We don't get enough variety and enough exterior shots to get a sense of Miami; and most of the main characters are not even locals, so we also don't get a sense of Miami sensibility, the way Manhattan and LA Story worked. There's no feeling of love for the locality.

Finally the storylines are just horribly cliched. The gold-digging woman who loses her man by demanding status rather than love. The manic pixie dream girl who shows the stuffy German how to loosen up. The manipulative shrew who treats art as a commodity to be advertised and sold. They've all been done before, and done so much better. If you're going to do them again, give us SOMETHING different.

So yeah. Nothing worth watching here. EXCEPT to marvel at the technical quality that's now enabled by digital photography and editing, and cheap cameras. The actors may not be very good. But they're in focus, well-lit, and color matched in every scene. Not bad for what was, I expect, a fairly low budget.
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