Miss Jones and Son (1977– )
Paula Wilcox
23 November 2019
The wonderful Paula Wilcox was a popular star of Man About the House and this served as a follow-up of sorts for her. Though Robin (Richard O'Sullivan) was the main character of that series and always first billed, every episode featured Paula in a key role. And very often she was the lead character of an episode. This time Paula as the title character is unequivocally the lead.

Paula is delightful again but the support cast is less than riveting. (There is also a big cast changeover between the first and second series.) The scripts aren't very funny and lack strong jokes. The characters are archetypes and the stories are pretty thin, nearly always relying on misunderstandings and mistaken identity while characters pull confused faces or try to cover something up. Often Paula's character Liz Jones is covering up the fact she has a baby or is unmarried.

Unlike her MATH character, Paula's character here is fairly onenote and superficial: generally nice, often silly, always chatty.

The first series ends with the promise of a new romance for Liz but the opening scene of series two explains he went back to his wife. It is a pity as this was the only storyline I found interesting.

If not for Paula's participation I expect there would have been very little interest in this series (then or now). It is of interest only to see Paula's next big role after MATH.
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