Danger Man: Position of Trust (1960)
Season 1, Episode 7
Three Good Actors Together
8 November 2019
A good early episode with Donald Pleasence and Lois Maxwell (aka: Moneypenny). It was fun to see the quiet and restrained Pleasence together and caged-rage suave spy McGoohan together, and I dare say what the former lacked in hair (he has a small hairpiece in this episode) he made up for with his blue eyes, arguably even more impressive than McGoohan's! Good chemistry between Drake and "the dame", who is one of the stronger female characters of the series so far.

The only thing about this episode that I had issue with, and it isn't the script's fault, is trying to follow Drake's accent. McGoohan was an Irishman living in England trying to sound like an American spy trying to sound British!

But that doesn't matter... his tuxedos make up for that... ;-)
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