This movie is let down within the first 5 minutes
2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have such mixed feelings on this film. On the positive side Terminator Dark Fate is entertaining, fast paced, has great action scenes and features excellent performances from the cast.

However, John Connor is murdered (as a young teenager) within the first 5 minutes of the movie. As a result Sarah Connor spends the rest of her life heart broken, alone and getting drunk every night until she passes out. These are much loved characters and I just cannot get past this awful storyline. James Cameron has said that killing John Connor was his idea and I just cannot understand why he thought than fans would like this storyline. More to the point I cannot believe that the movie studio agreed to this and spent 200 million dollars on this movie. They must have known that fans would be very upset by this plot twist. Linda Hamilton has also stated in previous interviews that she turned down Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines because in the original script Sarah Connor dies halfway through and there is no time to morn her. Yet this is exactly what has happened to John Connor in Terminator Dark Fate and she agreed to be in the movie. That has also shocked me.

The new villain gets his ass kicked at every opportunity (despite the fact that it can turn into 2 terminators at once) which fails to create much tension at key moments of the film. Dani Ramos was a sweet, likeable character. However, I could not take her seriously at all during the scene when she is revealed to be the future leader of mankind. Sorry but this is girl power gone mad and her character just did not convince me at this point of the story.

I think Terminator Dark Fate would have been much better with a few plot changes. First of all John should not have been killed off. Both Sarah and John should have returned to fight the new Terminator. We could have then seen John as the strong here he was always meant to be. Arnie returning was not really needed. Arnie playing the hero has been used already in3 previous sequels and added nothing to the story. I would have preferred a way to bring Robert Patrick back to protect Dani as a plot twist. Also Dani brother was a very likeable character for the short time he was on screen. I personally would have preferred if both Dani and her brother were revealed to be the future leaders and he had survived.
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