Caged Heat (1974)
Racks of Lambs
2 November 2019
It''s the 1970s, it's Friday night at the drive-in, and you and your buddies want to see some b00bies. In that case, Caged Heat is for you. But if you are an adult in the 21st century and it's Friday Night and it's showing on TCM Underground, don't expect much. The guards are cartoon villains. The inmates are closer to being runway models than believable prisoners. And the production values are on par with something cranked out by the Canadian Film Board. Lead actress was surprisingly good, though. She was several cuts better than her fellow ham-mates. There was also the dice being tossed in the cell, nicely spoofed by Andrea Martin - ''No dice" - in an SCTV skit that surely was inspired by this movie. Any movie that served as an inspiration for SCTV can't be all bad.
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