The Wonderland Murders (2018–2019)
When it comes to true crime shows, my bar is set very low, but...
20 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just couldn't stomach this one, and there are probably only a handful of others in this genre that I've passed over produced in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the U.K.

I think I could have handled the 90s-era like docu-drama style of cheesy looking sets, poor lighting, etc., just very low production values in the re-enactments, and not just bad dialogue, but really poor acting as well (though in their defense, they didn't have a lot to work with), alternating with real life witnesses or police that really don't add anything at all in the way of information that the public hasn't already had since back when the case was a sensation other than their closer proximity to the events, but that isn't very interesting to watch.

But even if I could have looked past these shortcomings because they have an undeniably interesting and compelling subject matter, more than anything that turned me off, oy yoy yoy, that narraction was like hearing nails on a chalkboard, screeeeccchhhhh, just terrible, both the script and the voice actor themselves, and I feel almost bad about criticizing to someone just everything about their voice, or their "narrator's" voice (just like radio announcers and TV news presenters have put-on voices as a normal part of their professions), was horrible to have to listen to, but being honest, every second of hearing the narrator's voice was excruciating.

I wanted to like this so much that I watched the first two (and a half; I finally threw in the towel part-way through episode 3) episodes, and I guess this is the first docu-drama, or documentary in general where I was driven away, repulsed, pured by that narration, something I would never have guessed could ever happen before I tried watching season one. I may watch the first episode of season two just to see if anything has improved (particularly if the narrator/narration scripting is the same), but I don't have much of an expectation that it has improved enough to yet make it watchable.
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