Man is wolf to man
11 October 2019
That review title is the episode title's, which is a Latin proverb, English translation, just in case anybody is interested. Have always been fond of 'Law and Order: Criminal Intent' and like/love all three of the most famous and longest-running ones (this, 'Special Victims Unit' and especially the original 'Law and Order', the others are more variable). The first season of 'Criminal Intent' being a solid one and perhaps the most consistent of the first seasons of those three.

"Homo Homini Lupis" is for me one of Season 1's best. Not just that, it is also the single most disturbing and emotionally powerful one. What could have easily been a standard kidnapping case with no original thought in it turned out to be so much more than that and the complete opposite, with powerful scenes (one also being very hard to watch), a good deal of tension, a complex (main) victim, one of the show's vilest main villains and great character chemistry.

It is a brilliantly written episode. The dialogue is taut and thoughtful, with some chilling moments, like Matic's bragging that particularly shows how despicable he is as a character, and some moments that bring tears to the eyes like with the chemistry between Goren and Maggie. The story is always cohesive and compelling, scoring massively on the complex emotions factor. The scene with Matic and the captors is very tense with some harrowing acting, but it's what follows that is hardest to witness, have not seen a more disturbing rape (even when off-camera) scene and its build up and aftermath in a long time on film or television. Shining just as much is the chemistry between Goren and Maggie, here Goren's eccentricity is toned down and he becomes more paternal and sympathetic. Add to that some truly heartfelt acting from Stephi Lineburg and we have a chemistry that's truly touching and something of the heart of the episode.

Production values are slick and the music is used only when necessary and fits well in placement and tonally when it is used. The supporting characters are some of the detailed of the season and even on the whole of 'Criminal Intent', one can't even hate Lucas despite his greed being uncondonable and truly felt for Maggie and understood completely her emotions. Of the villains, only the sociopathic Matic comes over as evil-incarnate and even he avoids being caricaturish or being one-note.

Vincent D'Onofrio gives some of his best acting of the show, absolutely nailing the different softer side we see to Goren. Kathryn Erbe contrasts well with him and cannot rave about Lineburg enough. Ritchie Coaster is chilling as Matic.

Concluding, wonderful and stays with you for a long time. 10/10
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