A bit light but works reasonably well for gamers with a reference point
22 September 2019
Set in outer space, a tight group of fighter pilots start to drift apart as things other than space battles start to take their time. Although it is meant to be "real" the reference in this film is very much online gaming where it is a very common experience to be in a group with no other connection, play for years together, then life starts to pick off members of the group. As a concept, this is a good way to approach this subject, because it always feels like a game but yet also puts it in the "real" world (or at least real within the film). Problem is that the material isn't strong enough to make it totally work.

It feels too light - amusing but yet not funny enough to make it a great comedy. Likewise, the core of the material is quite broad in its content and its emotional element. I suspect it will work best for people like myself who have the real life reference point to draw on - but it does require the viewer to do that lifting, because there isn't enough here to do it on its own. Performances are also a bit broad, and the effects distract a little by their low budget nature (even if at first I liked that it added to the video game idea of the scene). So it works reasonably well if you are already the audience it is aimed at, but outside of this it is too light to offer more to a wider audience.
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