Old skool action thriller with a good story n emphasis on brotherhood. Watch out for the villain's hairstyle.
15 September 2019
I saw this for the first time few days back. It is directed by Benny Chan n some fellas like me may remember his Who Am I n New Police Story. It has some known n familiar faces but I dont know too many names of actors from China n Hong Kong.

Three childhood friends as adults r working for the Narcotics Bureau. One among em has been undercover for a long time in a gang. His wife is pregnant n he wants to finish off the gang n start a normal life. His dream of a normal life gets more delayed when he is informed that the trio has to catch a much bigger fish with a very weird hairstyle. The entire time while viewing this film I was laughing at the villain's hairstyle n i was wondering what hairdresser on earth wud do that n finally when one of the character ridicules him for that, I couldn't stop laughing loudly. The film has some good action sequences. Bullet shells hitting on the face is unique, the sole of a foot gets shot, a bullet gets pierced in the cheek n some over the top, slo mo gun totting scenes. It also has a hand fight leading to a brutal smashing of the chin. A man gets shot n thrown in a water quarry infested with crocodiles. Ther is a very bad scene of a man not bleeding to death aft a hand chopping scene. The location of the water quarry is amazing. Characters r wearing nice watches n one of the watch is Fiyta.
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