Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Change of Heart (1998)
Season 6, Episode 16
What Constitutes a Plot Hole
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the greatest episode of the series. But I feel a lot of the criticism of it is unfair. Previous reviews have pointed out possible ways that Worf could have saved Jadzia and accomplished his mission. But he chose not to. This isn't a plot hole. It's a choice. Worf makes a decision. Just because it isn't the best or most logical choice doesn't make it a failure on the part of the writers. The entire point of the episode is to show how Worf has grown and changed because of his love for Jadzia. For the first time in his life there is something that matters to him more than a duty. This isn't a video game. The point isn't to solve a puzzle. It's a story about a man who has spent his whole life denying his own desires in favor of his duty. And he finally finds someone he loves enough to break him out of that pattern. Who wants to see a story about someone doing what they've always done, and will do again?
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