Review of Retake

Retake (2016)
Vertigo on a dark road trip
7 August 2019
This is a good movie, one that holds your interest with some kink and a lot of tension.

We never quite know exactly what Jonathon is up to when he hires Brandon. Brandon tells us what he wants and what he intends to do, but we're not exactly sure just how dark his kinkiness will go. Neither is Brandon, which is a sensible of him, IMO, and which only adds to the puzzle.

Essentially Retake features a Vertigo-like make-over, though this one is gay and a little more downtown. Like Vertigo, the principal characters seem to be developing an affection for one another, though we're not exactly sure what's genuine and what isn't.

All this uncertainty and kinkiness adds up to a picture that has you traveling down the highway to who-knows-where. You just aren't sure of the final destination until it gets there, and that's a very good thing.

Well-written, well-crafted, and worth seeing.
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