Hanging Out In Speakeasies with Gangsters
5 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I usually do not read imdb until after I see a movie, and usually my take on the movie is the general consensus. This one surprised me. I did not like this movie--I felt it was too fast paced, had too many characters that looked too much alike and it was hard to tell who was who. Then I read imdb and realized that a lot of people loved this movie for what it was--a 'talkie' that came out just seven years after they were introduced in theaters. Considering that, I still do not like the movie but I can appreciate it for what it was. Bette was about 24 here and so completely fresh faced and beautiful...in most of her movies there will be at least one slip--bad lighting, the way the camera was focused, something--that gives a glimpse of the grand dame old lady she became. Not so in this movie. She just looked young and gorgeous and impossibly slim. The premise is that there are two high society stepsisters, Arlene and Val. Arlene's mother was once married to Everette Bradford and ran off, apparently, leaving Arlene behind. Val and Arlene appear to be close in age and are fond of each other, which may be why Mr. Bradford treats Arlene as a daughter. One he is very upset and disgusted over, due to her antics, but a father nonetheless. Val is the good girl and Arlene is the hellion, hanging out at speakeasies with gangsters. She's also caught up in some racket selling stolen bonds. She gets killed about halfway through the movie, and Val herself gives a complete recap at the end but I still didn't follow half of it. A few of the reviewers on imdb said to watch it twice. It was only 68 minutes long so I suppose I could have. I just didn't have the inclination.
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