Professor T. (2015–2018)
I LOVE this show!
5 August 2019
Admittedly I've only seen the first six episodes so far (I live in the US), but if the rest of the series continues at the same quality level, I will remain a fan. The show is very unique - yes it is another entry in the "quirky outsider helping the police solve crimes" genre, but at least Jasper Teerlinck (great name!) is a professor of criminology who knows a lot about criminal psychology and who does actually teach classes in it. His level of involvement with the police so far has been believable and nowhere near as ridiculous as, say, in a show like "Castle" (now thankfully off the air).

The crime stories depicted in "Professor T." take place in interesting circumstances and manage to be genuinely puzzling without becoming overcomplicated with lots of characters and subplots. The solutions are often surprising, but not out of left field. The acting is great across the board - Koen de Bouw is terrific as the title character, but my two especial favorites are Goele Derick as the professor's hilariously deadpan secretary Mrs. Sneyers, and Bart Hollanders as the affable Inspector Daan De Winter. The personal life stories involving the regular characters work well within the framework of the show and are nicely balanced with the police procedural aspect. I love the bizarre flights of fancy Teerlinck is prone to, when he sees and hears offbeat images and music that aren't actually there - sometimes they are funny and sometimes they're a bit scary, but they are always handled imaginatively. The photography and overall look of the series are also to be commended. To me the entire production comes off as very original.

My only nitpick is regarding the wardrobes of Donckers and De Winter: would anyone with the rank of Police Inspector really dress in such a consistently slovenly manner on the job and not be reprimanded? Watching the first episode I actually thought they were two college students interning at the police department - it took me awhile to realize they were supposed to be full-fledged detectives. The tousled-hair, unkempt-sweatshirt-and-jeans look the characters favor undermines their credibility a bit, IMO.

Everything else about the show is so well done, though, that it doesn't really bother me - I've gotten used to it (and hey, maybe in Belgium it would be perfectly acceptable). If "Professor T." keeps going the way it has been so far, I will definitely keep watching.
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