Social commentary, satire and a dark vein of humour run through this very British Horror Film. .
14 July 2019
World War Dead: Rise Of The Fallen: Found footage Zombie film. A film crew go to the Somme Battlefield intent on making a film about army units which disappeared during the Battle. Tension between the presenter and the historian are exacerbated by an ego-maniacal director. Figures appear on the horizon, a local tries to warn them about le supernatural. The historian relates a legend about a German regiment who were cursed and turned into the undead. They all have a chuckle at this, but subsequently find the remains of a Rhodesian soldier with an African Black Magic Amulet..

Then the Zombies attack. But the crazed director wants to continue with the documemtary. Attacks (at night) in a field enclosed by woods and underground trench tunnels add to a claustrophobic atmosphere.

Social commentary, satire and a dark vein of humour run through this very British Horror Film. IMDb average only give it 3.2 but on my Z-Meter it gets 6.5/10.
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