Can't find info on the "Modern Dr. Frankenstein" ... HELP❕❗❕❗
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was finding this show interesting and figured it would get more in depth as the series went on. I am 38 became a Christian @ 20 then my kids and I become very involved in our church. (5 kids by 23). I built a strong family in that church however by the time I was 25 someone in that family betrayed me really bad. Over the next year while my husband and I were finally hitting our end we were also fighting CPS to keep our kids who were removed. My life of trauma, abusive Marriage ending, loosing every thing I thought I had and was, and all while dealing with very little of my many mental and emotional health issues. Needless to say I was extremely hatefully angry at God! I lost myself and hurt a lot of t of people, started getting back on track at 33. I've never stopped believing in him but just like my earthly father I hold many resentments and cut communication. The point to all that was I have my own personal understanding of Christianity (read Bible front to back 3 xs) and I feel for me it's true. However I've always been very open minded to others and will admit that we are all just human so there is no way to know for sure. What I do know (believe) is it's us humans, science, drs, wanting to know and do things we were not NATURALLY supposed to "playing God" that has messed up everything. So when the "Robot" man came on I had a lot to say! Then was I hearing things but did he say something about God? I would love to write an email if anyone knows how?
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