Make Up Your Facts As You Go...
15 June 2019
Who needs trolls to spread disinformation and stir up divisions, when we have Ava DuVernay?

This is the kind of divisive, manipulative and most importantly, grossly inaccurate rewriting of history, which took the most extreme defense claims and presented them as truth. Truth be damned.

Oprah was blaming Ms. Meili for running alone when she first interviewed her back in 2002. Fringe-driven manipulation like this is what brought us Trump. Because Trump is a reaction to this, and this is a mirror image of what Trump does.

What is being buried by this false narrative is the fact that the "five" were convicted of viciously assaulting 8 victims on the same day, beating at least one unconscious. There is no dispute about this. Based on medical evidence and witness testimony, they are almost certainly guilty of beating Ms. Meili, who was later raped and further injured by Matias Reyes.

The execution is reasonably well done, if at the level of a prime time network show. But because of political and identity social pressure, the critics must love it (or be dragged through the mud).

But make no mistake, this is propaganda, at its worst. Sometimes even Trump is right: this is "fake news."
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