10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens a bit confusing as it appears to be a trailer for itself. This picture has nothing to do with the infamous Bates Motel, other than the name. A family operates a haunted hayride/farm in Gradyville, Pa. Agnes (Jean Louise O'Sullivan) witnesses her best friend Lillie (Aleksandra Svetlichnaya) die. Agnes' life has gone down hill. Her policeman dad (Robert Haag) and by far the worse actor in this film, forces Agnes to work at that same haunted Bates farm as therapy.

Soon everyone around her is being murdered. The film operates as a who-dun-it for the first hour with the formula cat and mouse ending.

The role of Robert Haag as a policeman was indeed a downer. The film did create some unique characters such as Wayne (Matthew Mastronardi) a masked gay chainsaw killer. This has some similarities to 80's style slasher films, but lacks style.

Works as a low end rental at best.
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