DuckTales: Launchpad's Civil War (1987)
Season 1, Episode 59
Civil reenactment
24 May 2019
From a very early age, animation had a big influence on me, the many great qualities on display were always obvious (especially in Disney, Looney Tunes and prime-Tom and Jerry) and will always remember with fondness how it helped cheer me up through the hard times. Especially with finding school tough and having to and struggling with overcoming significant adversity, sadly the latter is not much better now. Do appreciate it even more now, thanks to broader knowledge and taste.

To me, 'Ducktales' is funnier, even more entertaining today through young adult eyes, finding even more to like and from getting much more the references, humour and dialogue, not admittedly always the case when younger. Other Disney animated shows such as 'Darkwing Duck' and 'Talespin' have had this effect on me, as has the likes of 'Animaniacs', 'Pinky and the Brain' and 'Tiny Toons'.

A 'Ducktales' classic "Launchpad's Civil War" isn't, and while Launchpad has always been a very funny and endearing character this Launchpad-centric episode doesn't do him much justice and shows that he is much better in support, despite still having a strong enough personality. That is not to say that "Launchpad's Civil War" is a bad episode, it's actually pretty interesting and entertaining. It just felt like something was missing at the same time.

Launchpad's problem making/causing is amusing to start with but did for my tastes get excessive not far into the episode that it started to get wearing and at times repetitive. He always was not the brightest bulb on the block, though we loved him for it, but the episode overdid this aspect for me, there were times where he was really quite dumb, and didn't always make him as endearing as usual which affected sometimes the sympathy factor.

Some of "Launchpad's Civil War" is on the talky side and while the story here is fun and amiable, but doesn't have as much continual fun or as many thrills as other episodes.

Having said that, there is a lot to like. The animation is lively and colourful, though with an occasional lack of smoothness in the drawing in busier moments as said. Especially liked the meticulous detail put into the backgrounds. The music again is dynamic and beautifully orchestrated, never jarring with the action and full of energy. Disney had many theme songs that were difficult to resist and were very catchy to the extent one doesn't forget them, and that for 'Ducktales' to me was one of the best.

Enough smart and funny moments in the writing, the civil war setting is beautifully rendered, the episode does very well in entertaining and teaching (people who are not so familiar with the Civil War will find themselves wanting to read up on it) and the supporting characters are great fun. Doofus is amusing enough. The climax is also truly exciting. The voice acting is very good, Terence McGovern is spot on as Launchpad.

Concluding, nice enough but could have been better. 7/10
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