At best, a time passer.
23 May 2019
I've seen a couple of Pinky Tomlin's movies and I must say I don't understand his appeal. On screen, he plays a milquetoast sort of knucklehead and his singing is, at best, fair. Yet, despite this, he made a decent number of films. "Swing It Professor" is about average for one of Tomlin's films.

Professor Artemis Roberts (Tomlin) is dismissed from his college because the board feels his taste in music is too old fashioned and boring. For a while, he's homeless but eventually lands on his feet in grand fashion. A mobster wants to open a nightclub and use the Professor as is proxy...the public face of the place. Oddly, some other mobsters soon think that the Professor is a big-time thug...and they want to be his friends! What's next (apart from TONS of singing and dancing)?

There are some pleasant moments in the story but the film suffers from Tomlin's dull persona as well as too many songs....which tended to disrupt the good parts of the film. Overall, a time passer...not much more.
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