A vanity project for Danny A. Abeckaser, but suprisingly with good results
21 May 2019
When I see any film that is written, diected and "stars" one individual it typically is a formula for a real disaster, a bomb, a dud. As the movie comences we see actor/writer/director Danny A. Abeckaser, who plays a hood named Mikki, being released from an Israeli prison after serving an 18 year term for murder when he was a youth of 17. His deceased mother has left Mikki a letter and a little bit of money to allow him to fly to Brooklyn New York to stay with his mother's brother, his Uncle Dudu (Eli Danker).

Immediately Mikki's fearless approach to earning a living and his will to survive put the film on a fast track to success which was a pleasant surprise. Yes, the film work and camera angles lack the crispness of a Martin Scorcese produced film which I am sure is due to the limited financial backing Danny A. Abeckaser had behind him. Maybe Danny boy thought he could pull off what Sylvester Stallone was able to pull off with his three (3) time Oscar winning 1973 film Rocky. Although First We Take Brooklyn / Brooklyn Guns did not achieve any box office success, I suggest it is a decent enough crime film worthy of any crime genre film lovers' viewing pleasure. The ending may surprise you too!

A worthy 6/10 rating
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