This is a dry, bland, boring, low energy show, but it works
17 May 2019
This show reminds me a lot of Joe Rogan's podcast. The primary differences being that the humor is flat, no one's smoking weed on the show, the interviewer actually goes out into the field and the interviewer just happens to be Black. The show gets your attention during the opening, with graphics straight out of the seventies that take you back to PBS circa 1971 and great jazz music, which just sticks with me now whether I'm watching the show or not. Even the set looks like your great grandfather's set.

But what feels like a nice sunny afternoon watching a community access program back in the day quickly transitions into serious conversation about hard hitting issues, dispersed with jokes so dry even the British might miss out on them. Which is completely different from what we expect from shows like "Last Week Tonight" or the Vice programs we have come to expect from HBO. It is a shame that I have to pay $15.99 a month to watch this show. But that is the magic of HBO in an age where Netflix has shows for everyone young and old, and aliens on Mars and network TV is trying to figure things out without insulting anyone's sensibilities, occasionally taking risks like ABC does with Black-ish and Young-ish or "Fresh Off Of The Boat" but for the most part keeping things mundane.

A nice, subtle, laid back show that isn't turned up, lit, or amplified like so many other news shows feel the need to be in this day and age. Like the news shows from the seventies. I guess that is the point.
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