Review of All Souls

The X-Files: All Souls (1998)
Season 5, Episode 17
It's a fun episode.
10 May 2019
Scully's faith vs Mulder's beliefs. Mulder believes in everything: from Little Green Men to the Easter Bunny - but no, not God. That's taking things too far. Angels, too or even an afterlife in Heaven are all scoffed at by him, but he DOES believe in past lives, so go figure.

The Seraphim ARE, btw, mentioned in the Bible (Isaiah), as are the Nephilim or giants of the Old Testament. The four faces represent the Four Gospels. In Matthew, the Gospel for the Jews, Jesus is depicted as a King or Lion. In Mark, the Gospel for the Romans, Jesus is depicted as servant or the Ox. In Luke, the Gospel for the Greek, He is a Man and in John, the Gospel for ALL, Jesus is depicted as God or the Eagle. I found this fascinating when I first learned it as a new Christian and others reading this, and enjoying this episode, might find it interesting, as well. The story told is apocryphal but the Nephilim being the offspring of the fallen angels and human women is generally accepted. Again, interesting, fun stuff.
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