Charmed: Witch Perfect (2019)
Season 1, Episode 11
It's better to be a hot mess than not be hot at all
25 April 2019
The show seems to have well and truly hit its stride now. There's a decent Demon of the Week storyline that manages to involve all three sisters (although Maggie takes the lead with the others turning up late from their ongoing plotlines), Galvin seems to be well and truly filling the role of the Charmed One's human friend, and the reintroduction of Lucy is handled well. Niko not so much, the show's doing quite well without her and at the moment she just seems a distraction, and the potential sidelining of Harry is worrying. But it's good to see the Charmed Ones well and truly in the business of protecting innocents and keeping everyone alive, even the douche.

Macy's news about the sisters' paternity goes down like a lead balloon, although it's hard to be entirely behind Mel and Maggie's shoot the messenger response. It does mean she and Galvin get teamed up for most of the episode before her bonding with Maggie in the final moments...only for another skeleton to come tumbling out of the Vera-Vaughn closet.

The most intriguing thing is Mel getting her first look at the Sarcana's magical vigilantism. What we see Jada do here is relatively benign, but it's a sign of the show's recently acquired nuances, that while the early episodes would no doubt have portrayed the punishment of male predators as unrelentingly positive, here there is a slight suggestion that Mel doesn't really know what she's getting mixed up with.
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