Watched it for the lol
18 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I could not possibly take this movie serious. I watched all the previous parts and pained my way through it. First there was this slightly to OLD main character Sean from high School. It started of course with a race. But the Price was this blonde Girl. She even set herself out as a Price. I mean common, I didnt´t know this franchise could go any lower in objectifying women. But here they went. The first race was really neckbraking and Sean even drove through a construction building. When the Guy and the Girl crashed - I thought they must be dead. But they only had scratches. At the Police Station, the cop said Sean would go to prison. Which I fullhearted Support! When they said he allready had a full Register with illegal car races and nothing happened to him, it made me so angry... I couldn't like the main character. I am glad the mother kicked him out. Of course, the first Thing you think of to give your son a lesson for live: Send him to Japan for correction.

There he lived with his dad who tried to give him some boundarys and threatens him with consequences. Next day he already went to School. Just like that.. in Tokio.. and he doesn't speak one word japanese. The first Thing in class was of course the non-japanese love interesst in the movie. Also he met some African american bloke who oppenly tried to sell him stolen goods. I thought (or wished) it would be a film about integrity, but no - It looked so american I could only guess they filmed it in a japanese area somewhere in a bigger City in the US. I dunno

Sean soon discovered he could start racing again in Japan. Although his father would kick him out as promissed. Sean didn't care. And Oh - look, of course his new Girl was the GF from his racing Opponent. And more to come: As he doesn't have a care. Some RANDOM bloke said: here take mine. Although I don't know you and your skills, please, take my expensive racing car. Of course he shattered the car in pieces... and we find out the car owner belongs to yakuza.

I have to addmit I drifted of to sleep by myself very often. They had a lot of races in between, but: the never drove like.. straight through the streets. They always drifted. I got it in the parking house... but why would they do that on a straight street? Eventually someone actually died in a race. They Kind of didn't mourn or took a lesson out of it. NO! Sean got in a hassle with some yakuza Boss who surely would just shot him down, but Sean asked for forgivness by driving a race and everything would be forgotten? Stupidest Thing I have ever heard. And they did so! Another race was coming and in the end, the Opponent DK (Donky Kong I thought first) crashed horribly and could have been dead. I hoped for the movie: Sean gets a grip, Ends the race early and Looks after DK if he is alright. No, he doenst. Driving straight to the Yakuza Boss who nods and no lesson was learned that day.

It taught the audience, driving riskfull, even getting People killed, is ok. There will be no punishment. Women will like you even more. You also don't have to study or work. You just get new cars. Women offer themselve willingly to even the biggest brats but if you got enough horsepower.
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