Division 19 (2017)
Great Idea, Poor Execution
7 April 2019
The poster and description of this movie caused me to think I was going to see something exciting. Nothing could be further from the truth. The description of the movie being about citizens watching inmates on TV is accurate it's also really boring. The whole movie is boring, It's like they all took acting lessons from William Shatner, say 1 word, pause for 3 seconds say another word, pause for 5 seconds say a word, stop talking for 5 minutes and look like you're thinking about what to say next then walk away.

They had a good story, actually they had a couple of good stories in this show but they chose not to go with them. I had the impression the writers were sitting in a circle in Forman's smoke filled basement coming up with all these great ideas which they forgot about when they came to their senses and they went with something really mundane instead.

Science Fiction? I would not call this science fiction it's bare more advanced that what we have today, in fact I think all the technology in the movie is available today it just isn't being used yet, or is it?

I liked all the actors, but it was confusing I didn't recognize any of the names but the faces looked familiar. I thought Nash was Ryan Gosling, he looked and sounded just like Ryan. I watched it all the way through hoping for something relevant to happen, TBH I was playing a game on my kindle for most of the movie and just listened to it because it moved so slowly.

It looks like a big budget movie but the story wasn't there. The dialogue what there was of it was good there just wasn't enough. Remember when writers used to be able to fill time with dialogue to keep you entertained and intrigued? Today's writers are lazy and just aren't producing enough words and the actors stand around looking brain dead.

I can't recommend this movie unless if you're looking for something to play in the background while you sleep, then it's perfect.
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