A solid timey wimey journey
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Thompson pens a solid adventure into the interiors of the TARDIS with this episode when a group of salvagers get themselves caught up in more than they bargained for when trying to nab the TARDIS out from under the Doctor, inadvertently displacing Clara in its depths.

While the characters could be fleshed out more it is a delight (and a little scary) seeing the illegal space salvaging brothers (and android but not really - - But is a brother) get taught a lesson they won't forget (except I'm pretty sure they do) from the Doctor. In fact the familial politics and potential for cruelty therein of the salvage team would have made for a much more interesting episode if developed more. Also a study on the effects of deep space travel on sanity. Alas, these subjects are barely broached and are really only used to provide surface characterization.

Jenna Coleman and Matt Smith were of course spot on in their roles with the wit and chemistry we've come to expect from them. The monster aspect was well done but the twist could be seen a mile off by even the most minimally observant viewers (that the monsters are future reflections of the characters mutated/charred by TARDIS radiation) along with the obvious twist the Android was not an Android but a victim of a cruel prank played on him by his two brothers.

Even so, the convoluted time interplay (while frustrating to some) I find fascinating. But it was over before it really got started and the fact that everyone forgets everything due to said timey wimey nonsense is a bit of a cop out. However, it does make for a fun exploration of the workings of the TARDIS herself. It just feels like it ended too fast. 8/10
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