Oceans Rising (2017)
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It will bring a smile to your face. At one point during the movie, I needed another beer. Usually, when we're watching something, we don't bother pausing while I go downstairs and get a beer. This movie was too good to not pause. Like a train wreck.

Seriously though, my girlfriend and I haven't stopped talking about it since the first few minutes that we watched it and that rarely happens.

I can't really put my finger on what my favorite part is but here's a few noteworthy ones: 1) Phil's 9-mile anchor throw when they reached the shores of France 2) The hard-of-hearing old man not understanding what a life preserver was 3) The hard-of-hearing old man speaking French to save the day when all he said was that he doesn't speak French and he's hard of hearing 4) (Maybe my favorite one) When the main character, upon hearing that the double-black-hole theoretical models weren't working IMMEDIATLEY suggested to the guy in charge of CERN that he should use a different formula in his calculations and then they laughed that of course THAT would save the planet! (followed by huge smiles and some hand clapping) 5) When he suggested the same to Pam back at Boulder (not actually sure where she was but I think Boulder) and she also laughed that yep, that'll do it! (nodding her head at how smart he is - wasn't he a geologist and not an astrophysicist? 6) (This may be my favorite now that I think about it) When the kid was feeling down because his mom just got toasted and Pam comes in to ask him what's wrong. I so wish he had answered, "Umm, I'll give you three guesses." 7) Any scene showing the boat in rough water 8) They made it from Galveston to Boulder to France all on one tank of gas and never got hungry or thirsty 9) The old man again (and you've really gotta pay attention during this scene) when main character and Pam were talking via video feed at the exciting climax, the old man's acting in that scene where he's looking back and forth between the two was spectacular (also, how did video feed work when all satellites were knocked out of commission?) 10) The main character claiming he "built" that boat. He had THREE YEARS to build it and somehow made it exactly the same as a nondescript fishing charter boat 11) The old man being briefly seasick then going back below deck with nary a concern (I obviously love the old man) 12) The fact that NO ONE is at all concerned that most of humanity and all plant and animal life is extinct - I've been through a few hurricanes and can tell you that there's very rare moments of levity during those times. These people who presumably lost their entire families and friends had seemingly zero concerns about anyone or anything else 13) Greg's shooting the main character and then being totally forgiven, gun was never spoken of or shown again 14) Main character saying that Greg was now in charge because he was the one with the gun (which only lasted a few seconds) immediately after he was shot 15) The Asian guy's ponytail 16) The weight of the cardboard moving boxes filled with beef stroganoff (gotta be paying attention to how he handles them as he's moving them on board - apparently beef stroganoff doesn't weigh much) 17) back to the boat - why not build something a little bigger? Like a barge. Or steal something bigger? You know that the world will end soon so what have you got to lose? Slowly fill it with extra diesel and stockpile canned food AND water on it? I mean that was the main focus of your life for three years. 18) The 60-foot seawall that approximately 10 people slapped together in a few hours with obviously freshly-purchased scaffolding (note how new it is) 19) The Hispanic angry mother who said that she and her son would help build the wall (I think the line was, "Now you've got 3 and a half.") did absolutely nothing to help 20) You have to watch closely for this one but when Pam cut the power line, watch how the axe just bounces off yet somehow she managed to completely sever it and electrocute herself and die (for a few minutes only)

There's much much more to say: Madam President's lack of concern with the actual problem at hand - merely looking to blame someone for not warning her ahead of time, main character's spit during dialog scene about 3 minutes in to the movie, bald guy being only one to suffer 2nd degree burns when the sun blasted them due to no atmosphere yet canvas on boat and others who were outside are fine, lack of actually throwing things out of the boat to make it "700" pounds lighter, that whole dramatic bilge pumping/throwing things overboard (which never actually happens!) scene really, and, you've got to ask yourself after all is said and done, what happens next? Isn't the sun continuing to blast the earth with Earth-ending solar flares? Wouldn't there be some post apocalyptic roving bands of survivors with guns who would enslave people/hoard the few remaining foodstuffs and potable drinking water?

But you need to watch it in order to truly understand. If after watching it, you've questioned your sanity as to how this could actually be a movie, you're not alone. In fairness though, I couldn't make a movie as good as this one as I only have my cell phone camera and not sure where my local community theater is. I THINK i could write a better script but I've honestly never tried so can't be certain on that. And while this had to be relatively low budget for a movie, I don't think i could talk myself or anyone else into spending money on putting together something of this magnitude.

Back to my first statement though, we have not stopped talking about it and I'm guessing (knowing what goofy idiots my girlfriend and I are), we're NOT going to stop talking about it for a long time. She keeps saying, "Hey Sport, what's wrong?" in reference to the kid being sad two minutes after he's found out that his mom got toasted. I'll never forget this movie so obviously they did something right.
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